Sprinkhaan - Grasshopper - Locust

Yellow Moth - Nachtpauwoog

Found this Io or Yellow Moth on my kitchen floor.
Trof ik deze mot op de keukenvloer. Ongeveer 5 tot 6 cm.
Automeris amoena

Link to a picture of the caterpillar

De Automeris io (Engels: Io moth) is een nachtvlinder uit de familie Saturniidae, de nachtpauwogen. De vlinder heeft een spanwijdte van 60 tot 80 millimeter. Het verspreidingsgebied beslaat Midden-Amerika en het oostelijk en centrale deel van Noord-Amerika. Verder lezen

Rups van een Pijlstaartvlinder - Hawk Moth

Deze rups is van een pijlstaartvlinder, wellicht de ficusmot.

Info: Carmabi

Also see: Pijlstaartvlinderrups

Foto: Franco Bakker

Hesperidae - Socrates Vlinder.


Info: Carmabi / D.Debrot

Socrates skipper

Info via C.de Haseth: Pyrrhopygogpis Socrates (Socrates skipper): this rare and strikingly colored butterfly has been documented at three locations in Curçao namely, the woodlands of the peninsula Caracasbaai, where it was perched in a flowering Bourreria succulenta (watakeli) tree, at Brievengat and at Cerrito. As with most other large skippers, it flies rapidly. (Adolphe O. Debrot: Butterflies and moths of Curaçao, Aruba and Bonaire.)"

Foto: Franco Bakker

Wasps - wespen

Een zwerm wespen op zoek naar ...
A swarm of wasps searching for a place to ...

Stekelspin - Gasteracantha cancriformis

Het is geen zeldzaamheid om deze spin aan te treffen op het eiland. Hij is vooral in de regenperiode actief. Vanwege de overdadige regenval van de afgelopen maanden ( vanaf september 2010 )  is het dier in grote aantallen te vinden in de mondi en in tuinen.

Er zijn verschillende soorten, gele, witte, licht blauwe, oranje en zelfs rode. De soort komt al heel lang voor op Curacao.

CARMABI Foundation
Piscaderabaai z/n
P.O. Box 2090
Curacao, Netherlands Antilles

Tel: +(5999) 462-4242
Fax: +(5999 462-7680
e-mail: info@carmabi.org

Gasteracantha cancriformis

Another link: Animal Diversity Web

Foto's M.Durlinger

The Many Colors of Bougainvillea - Trinitaria

There are many more sizes, shapes and colors.

History of the Bougainvillea

Supermoon this weekend! - supermaan 19 -20 maart

 Moon on March 17, Curaçao. Photo: F.Cools

Saturday's full moon will be a supermoon.
A supermoon is a new or full moon that happens to coincide with a close approach of the moon to the earth. Saturday's full moon will be the closest it has been to Earth in 18 years, according to Spaceweather.com.
The distance between the Earth and the moon during the event will be about 221,567 miles, as compared to the average distance of 238,000 miles, according to Space.com.
That may not seem like much of a difference (and compared to the distance it's not), but the diameter of the moon is only 2,159 miles. That means the moon will be over 7.5 diameters closer to Earth than average.
While many believe the 'supermoon' can be linked to natural disasters (namely the Japan earthquake), Space.com says that's not the case.

From Space.com

Curaçao - Bandabou: the moonlight this night, was so strong that the golden oriole was singing (softly) during the whole night!.

My early morning walk

View from the window: blooming Brasil trees.

Along the path: Brasil trees with yellow flowers. (Mex. White Cedar)

Brasilia tree


A bunch of them are sitting on the path.

Iguana tracks.

Another blue flower that I have no name for.

Oops! This is not going to be an educational morning walk.
Cannot give you the names!

Calabash - Kalebas

Flower of the Watakeli tree

Watakeli tree

Beautiful! Even without a name!

A wild bunch. Name? Anyone ... ?

Wabi tree; thorns and beans.

Flowers of the Wabi tree.

Purple flowers. This plant is everywhere!

Morning Glory!

Kelki Hel - Tecoma stans - Yellow Bells

Up early also: this Mocking bird singing his song.

Foto's / Photos: Femia Cools