
Note to the visitors of this blog.

The gadget with the classification / cathegory list of birds, flowers, plants and trees, (made by internal links to the blog-entrees) has been removed. Not by me

I made the list because visitors asked for it.
It helps a lot when searching for a bird, plant, flower or tree (especially when one is not sure about the name) when there is a cathegorized list with names plus links to the entrees of the subject.

I am very sorry that there now is only the "archive" "tags" and "search".

Also, since Google took over Picasa and ended its use, many photos have disappeared. I am trying to find them in my archives and put the photos back.

Visarend (osprey), Pandion haliaetus

Osprey, flying quite high.

Chuchubi loves it!

Palm fruit


Peeling the skin

Another migrant

Northern Waterthrush, Parkesia noveboracensis