

Banana-quit attacking the sugar-bowl.

Caribbean Elaenia martinica

This morning, for a few minutes, two Elaenia martinica visited us. Eleania martinica

Call of the Elaenia martinica  A high one note call, like the call of the Northern scrub flycatcher. But that bird can have more notes in it's call.

Call of the White-crested Elaeniaa a one note call that is a louder than the call of the Northern scrub Flycatcher.

Diving behind the leaves.

Trying to hide from the camera.

Hard to catch.

With the white crest on top, it looks like the White-crested Elaenia, Elaenia albiceps. But that flycatcher would be a rare sight, local birders say. I still have my doubts though.

Mmmmm, ketchup!

Female Bloublou, lizard

Empty glasses

Empty glasses, birds and fly.




The rainy season brought just a few showers. 
And then, no rain in over three month.