
Flycatchers - Vliegenvangers

This flycatcher is about the size of a mockingbird. Brown-crested flycatcher.

Another one, the Pimpiri. About the size of a mockingbird.Grey Kingbird, Grijze koningstiran, tyrannus dominicensis.

Different flycatcher, smaller, female Just a bit bigger than a common sparrow. 
Northern scrub flycatcher

Elaenia martinica

Carib Grackle - Quiscalus lugubris

Female Carib Grackle

Male Carib Grackle
The Grackles came to the island fairly recently. They are all over the island now. They love the palms at the beaches and at parking lots.

White tailed hawk

Geranoaetus albicaudatus

Blue Butterfly, small

Blue butterfly, wingspan about 2-3 cm. underwing yellow-gold.
On top of the Divi-divi tree.