
15 Minutes outside

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Green throated Hummingbird.



Yellow Warbler.

Morning sunbath for two in the Wabi tree.

Small flycatcher.

Yellow Warbler.

Rufus collared sparrow.


Mesquite - Indju - prosopis juliflora

Indju - Mesquite - prosopis juliflora 

This wonderful tree is higher than the Watakeli, the Wabi or other trees standing around it. The Indju gives me shade when I sit under it and wait what birds or lizards will pass.

One Indju was hit by lightning. Its trunk is still there. Showing beautiful patterns

Xerophites at the North East Coast

Banana di Rifi

At the North and North East coast, the puddles have wonderful colors. Due to the reddish and brown soil. 

Like the "Banana di Rifi" these green sprouts are xerophites. Probably of the following shrub