
Mata Galiña or Mata Ratu?

Kippenboom of Rattenboom?
De bonen dienden vroeger als geitenvoer.

The beans were used as food for goats.
Flowers and leaves
Flowers and leaves
The tree with the beans. Some trees can become quite big. But in our garden they are still bushes or small trees. 

We know the people here, speak of Mata Galiña or Mata Ratu. There is no information about these trees, other than that the beans served as goat food.

In the night they come (insects)

 Above: insects


Three different moths.

Chuchubi Nest - Mockingbird on nest - Spotvogel op nest

Update: The nest is empty. One side of the nest is open. We think it might be the big doves that, time and time again, were chased away by the Chuchubi, took the eggs. Could have been a lizzard or the Trupial, or some other bird too.