
Brown-crested Flycatcher

Brown-crested Flycatcher

Colourful Dornasol

Ruby-topaz Hummingbird

Grey Kingbird, Grote Grijze Vliegenvanger, Pimpiri, Tyrannus dominicensis

Grey Kingbird - Grote Grijze Vliegenvanger - Pimpiri (Tyrannus dominicensis)The Gray Kingbird is pale gray on the back with a dark mask. It has no white tail tip.

Green Heron - Butorides virescens

Green Heron at Jan Thiel Bay

photos: Femia Cools

Green Heron

(met dank aan J.Zwaaneveld)

Great Egret

 Great egret (Ardea alba) garsa blanku

Foto: Carel de Haseth.

Aladuru - Verreaux-duif - White tipped Dove

More about the Aladuru  /  Leptotila verreauxi:

White-tipped Dove

Or the "Verraux duif" (Dutch name)

Mofi - Black-faced Grassquit - Tiaris bicolor

Female Mofi

The male Mofi is darker:

More about the Mofi:

Birds of Aruba

Oh, That Wind!

On Youtube: This is why it is so hard to get sharp images.

lady beetle Cycloneda devestita

Green bug. Very similar to the Lady Bug. Not very known. There hasn't yet  been a serious study of the insect world of Curaçao. Then green bug acts like the Lady bug and is a useful predator in the fight against pests.

More about local bugs: Caribbean Footprint

Unknown Bug, same size as the green bug above.

Agave Weevils!!
Another invasive species has been observed, one that might pose a potential threat to the ecology of Curacao. Caribbean Foorprint