
Tabako di Piskado

photos by M, van Soest, at Jan Thiel Bay.

Argusia gnaphalodes

Gecko - Gekko

This gecko watches me while I am taking pictures of flies and mosquitoes. It doesn't seem to be bothered by the flashes.

Pelicans - Pelikanen

 After a good meal, drying the wings.


Go figure!
photos: Femia Cools

More Pelicans:
Pelican at PortoMarie

Cormorant - Aalscholver

Curaçao Cormorant - Aalscholver - family: 

A few days without rain ...

A few days and nights without rainfall. Bees drinking from the dogs' drinking mug.

Blooming Brasil and Wabi trees on the hillside

Yellow hillsides.
WABI and BRASIL blooming



WABI flower. photo: Carel de Haseth.

Flowers of the Kibra Hacha tree.

Flower of the Brasil tree.