
Shore at Vaerssenbaai

Vaerssenbaai is a good start for climbing the Jamanika. There is also a very good restaurant to have drinks and food after having done the wonderful Jamanika trail. This trail offers views of the sea and of the island. From Vaerssenbaai there is also a trail along the coast to Boca Sami ( the village of Saint Michael). Sometimes it is not possible to cross the Boca Sami lagune to St. Michael. Turning and walking back to Vaerssenbaai is the only option. But it is a beautiful walk; no problem to do it up and down. See the trail page of Hiking Curacao for more photos and to read about the trails.

Green Fly - Blue Fly - Blauwgroene Bromvlieg

Family: calliphoridae. Common names: blow flies, blue-bottle flies, blue bottle flies hosts: notes: Small to large robust flies, generally with a metallic blue or green abdomen and aristae of antennae plumose at tip. Larvae (maggots) breed in decaying flesh and manure. Screw-wormlarvae may infest living tissue (myiasis)
See here: Bow Fly, Green Fly, Blue Fly

Myiasis wordt veroorzaakt door de maden van de vlieg Lucilia sericata, beter bekend als de blauwgroene bromvlieg, groene vleesvlieg of schapengoudvlieg genoemd. Deze vlieg zet haar eieren af in een wonde of de bevuilde vacht. De eitjes ontwikkelen zich binnen enkele uren of dagen tot maden. De maden vervellen een aantal keren en krijgen mondhaken, waarmee ze zich vasthaken in de huid. Ze voeden zich daar met weefselvocht en weefsel. Ze ondermijnen de huid waardoor grote stinkende wonden ontstaan met vaak sterfte van het schaap (0f mens - FC) tot gevolg. BRON

Sag mir, wo die Blumen sind

Tiny yellow flower. Photo: Femia Cools

Moth - Mot

This moth is of the same size as the hawk-moth. Family?

Deze mot is even 'groot' als de kolibrie-mot. Familie?

Hummingbird Hawk-moth ; Macroglossum stellatarum

This moth is common in the U.K. and in Southern Europe.

We saw it only twice on the island.

It is very very fast, hovers only a split second over a flower. Hard to catch with non high speed camera.
Photo - a bit unsharp - by Femia Cools

Macroglossum_stellatarum (English)

Kolibrievlinder (Dutch)