
Drinks for everybody!

Sacred Datura

Tiny butterfly







Tiny brown butterfly


Tiny blue butterfly

Small brown butterfly

After the Rain - Na de Regen (2)

Chuchubi - Mockingbrid - Spotvogel

Chuchubi - Mockingbrid - Spotvogel

Chuchubi - Mockingbrid - Spotvogel

Chuchubi - Mockingbrid - Spotvogel

Troepiaal - Trupial

Troepiaal - Trupial

Troepiaal - Trupial

Troepiaal - Trupial

Photos by Femia Cools

Oleander, Tuturutu and Dividivi tree



Divi Divi
Photos by Femia Cools

Chuchubi in Wayaca and Wabi

Chuchubi feeding in Wayaca tree

Wayaca tree

Young Chuchubi in a Wabi tree.

Other photos:

Chuchubi always on top

Chuchubi in Wabi tree

Baby Mockingbird

Photos by Femia Cools

Jonge Leguanen - Young Iguana

Three little ones.

Yes, here I am!

Young Iguanas feeding in our garden.

An older iguana is feeding in a Palu di Lele
Randis aculeata, of the Rubiaceae family. Locally this tree is called Lele, Palu di lele, Rabu di Kabai or Wakura.
See Online Flora for more info on the Curaçao Flora.

Photos: Femia Cools

Groove-billed Ani - Chuchubi Pretu

Young Ani.

The Groove-billed Ani (Wikipedia),
  (Crotophaga sulcirostris) ,  is a large near passerine bird in the cuckoo family. It is a resident breeding species from southern Florida, the Bahamas, the Caribbean, parts of Central America, south to western Ecuador, Brazil, and northern Argentina.

Photos: Femia Cools

Info: Haseth and G.van Buurt

Another queen with her own swarm of bees.

About 9000, this time.

The bee-keeper.

Getting ready.

Spraying honey on the bees.

Catching the bees in a box.