

foto: D.Cools

Bijen - Honey Bees - Abehanan

Abehanan, Honey Bees. (Apis mellifera)

photos: F.Cools

Blauwe Reiger - Blue Heron


foto: M.van Soest

Daredevil, dappere bok, billy goat

foto: M.van Soest

Kabritu, geit, goat, Capra aegagrus hircus

Mari Bomba nest

foto: M.van Soest

On You Tube

Maribomba - Papierwesp - Paper Wasp. (Polistes versicolor)

Other wasps on Curaçao:
Maribomba Kabai - Mamondèngue - Sluipwesp - Mud Dauber.  (Sceliphron assimile)

Kokolishi - schelpdieren

photo: M.van Soest

Flamingoes at Boca Sami

foto: M.van Soest

Fluitkikker, little frog / coqui frog


foto: M.van Soest

 Fluitkikker / boomkikker:  Eleutherodactylus johnstonei (familie Eleutherodactylidae)

Thie whistling frog sounds and looks like: THIS on youtube.

More of this Frog on this site.

Cuban tree frog 

Op You Tube te horen.

Ala Duru, duif op nest

foto's: M.van Soest